Hangry Animals


(Access Passes)

The illustrious Hangry Animals Pass, brings you closer to the Hangryverse, with awesome perks: Access to our Game Demo, Minter royalties!, Usage rights royalties, participation in the product development, staking and renting, token rewards, comics and more...



Mint Your Hangry Animal

Price: 50.0 MATIC

What Hangry will you get we wonder??
View Contract

Mint Bounties

As your Hangry Animals NFTs reveal themselves to the world, check out what traits you have and review below. If you have any of these rare items/traits and are the first to claim in our Discord #food-proof channel, there are handsome rewards awaiting you! LETS GET HANGRY

TraitBountyReward ($FOOD Token)
Unbelievium HangryFirst to Mint10000 $FOOD
Golden HangryFirst to Mint9000 $FOOD
Platinum HangryFirst to Mint8000 $FOOD
All over Glowing Tarbal HangryFirst to Mint7000 $FOOD
Black and White Stripe Mohecan ZebraFirst to Mint6000 $FOOD
Cactus Antler MooseFirst to Mint5000 $FOOD
Ruck Sack SusannaFirst to Mint4000 $FOOD
Hockey Mask BearFirst to Mint3000 $FOOD
Melting HippoFirst to Mint2000 $FOOD
Golden Wings ZebraFirst to Mint1000 $FOOD

More Bounties will be revealed as the collection matures and more mints showcase certain surprises!! :P